Robert and Kerry met while students at Harding University and have been married since 1990. They enjoy spending time with family and traveling together. Robert has been teaching since 1990 at Searcy High school and Kerry (a former teacher) is now a homemaker and enjoys cooking, quilting, working puzzles, and reading. 

They have been members of Cloverdale since 1990 and enjoy opportunities to be involved in teaching adult/children's Bible classes.

They have three daughters, two sons-in-law, and one grandson: Audrey (Tyler), Avery (Chase) and Griffin, and Alivia.

Favorite Verses

Robert : Habakkuk 3.17-19; Psalm 121; John 14.6

Kerry: Isaiah 43.1-3; 1 Corinthians 13.4-13; Lamentations 3.22-24