Cloverdale Church of Christ
Cloverdale seeks to be a hospitable and intergenerational church that loves God and loves others by:
Inviting all peoples to become disciples of Christ
Maturing as disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit
Sending disciples to engage in God’s mission throughout the world
We believe that God (Father, Son, and Spirit) created the universe and placed human beings here with a unique role as His image bearers and managers of the earth. As a result of the freedom God gave each person, we now live in a world where evil seeks to confuse our roles and separate us from the Father who loves us and desires a relationship with us. He entered into His creation as the Son, Jesus, and by His life and teaching we were offered an opportunity to participate in rebirth through baptism to once again be free from sin and death and made alive as those who call Jesus Lord and Savior. God’s Spirit is given to every Christian to help us mature in faith and seek His will (Ephesians 1.1-14).
We believe the Church is the community of believers who seek to glorify God and proclaim this message that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead to bring hope, joy, and purpose to all those who believe in Him. We believe that the Church is God’s plan to make the resurrection of Jesus known to all people and to invite everyone to be reconciled to God in Christ (Ephesians 3.7-13).
We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God. We humbly seek to read, study, meditate, and apply the teachings from Scripture to our lives.
We believe in Resurrection. Just as Jesus was raised from the dead by the Father, so Jesus will return to this earth one day for a great resurrection when all will stand before the judgment (1 Corinthians 15). For that reason, we try to make known to as many as possible that in Christ there is salvation and without Him there is condemnation. As ambassadors of Christ, we implore all to be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5.20).
The Cloverdale Church of Christ had its beginning in the hearts and minds of members of the Cloverdale Zone, a small group of the West Side Church of Christ meeting in the Cloverdale neighborhood. In 1969 the small group was meeting in the homes of Vernon and Mary Alyce Rogers, Dale and Ouida Smith, Ed and Evelyn White, and a number of other members living in the neighborhood. Through their study of Scripture and realizing the number of families living in the Cloverdale neighborhood, the conversation turned to forming a congregation. Henry and Maurice White were the first to pledge $1,000 to the new ministry effort and soon the Cloverdale small group had pledged $7,000 to the forming of a new congregation. The men then met with the elders of West Side, College, and Downtown Churches of Christ to ask for their blessing and prayers.
The land was bought with the money they had pledged along with special donations from Marvin and James Evans (who owned the property) and in cooperation with Brother Reeves who worked at the First National Bank. Don Eads drew up the plans and built the first church building on this site for $110,000. It was an auditorium that could seat 350 people with a few classrooms attached. On July 4, 1976 the first worship service was held in the new building at 3000 East Park Ave.
An Understanding of the Kingdom
As the Cloverdale congregation was forming between1969-1974, Southside Church of Christ began worshipping together in 1973. They met in a small house on Highway 267. In 1982, John Sanders and Bob Abney, Southside members, came up with the idea that Southside should merge with Cloverdale. They presented this idea to both elderships and the congregations began meeting together on May 16, 1982. We are proud of our history in Searcy of unity among the churches of Christ, shown both by our merger with the Southside congregation as well as the many joint efforts with other local congregations that we currently participate in.
From the beginning, the congregation at Cloverdale has understood the importance of the Lord’s Great Commission. The members dedicated Cloverdale to serving the people of their community with the gospel, providing a place of worship, and to allocate 50% of the budget to mission work beyond Searcy. This dedication has led to a long history of supporting mission work all over the world that God has used to bless and grow the global church in ways we cannot even measure. Today, Cloverdale supports missionaries in Japan, Cameroon, Brazil, South Florida, Vermont, and Little Rock, Arkansas.
A Growing Congregation
By 1985, Cloverdale’s congregation had grown so that a new auditorium would be needed to accommodate our worship gatherings. Service was held in a new 600-seat auditorium on November 3, 1985 and the old auditorium was converted into classroom space (the preschool hallway and first landing at the top of the stairs). In 1994, the Fellowship Hall (often referred to as “the Annex”) was added to provide a space for potlucks, youth activities, showers, and various outreach opportunities. In 1999, the back hallway was added to provide much-needed classroom space. Finally, in 2003, the congregation went through another period of exciting growth and the glass partition in the back of the auditorium was moved back to further increase the seating capacity.
Over the years, our congregation has steadily seen the Lord’s blessings as seeds continue to be planted and grow here in the Cloverdale community. We have seen the work of eight preachers over 45 years; our current preacher, Karl McLarty, has been here since 2006. What began with five elders shepherding the congregation has grown over time to the 19 godly men who currently lead the spiritual growth of our church family. In 1995, John Calloway was hired as the first full-time youth minister. He was followed by Tom Martin from 1997-2006. Beginning with Tom, our youth group participated in short-term mission trips to the Dominican Republic for over 20 years. When Brian Williams took on the role in 2006, he continued this tradition and added a number of events such as CHRISTeens, Spring Break mission trips to Mississippi and Alabama after Hurricane Katrina, and a weekly home Bible study known as CLIMB. Brian left Cloverdale in 2016 and in 2018 Keith Johnson served as the new youth minister for a year before taking a position with World Bible Institute. Finally, in 2019, Luke Dockery moved to Cloverdale to become the Youth in Family Minister, helping to continue the focus on being an intergenerational congregation. In 2018, Philip Baird was hired as the part-time College Minister and in 2022 was hired full time to continue growing our outreach to the university students.
Inspired Vision
The Cloverdale congregation has been committed to service and the mission of God since its founding. Over the years many different ministries have begun and come to a conclusion as the needs of the community and the congregation have changed. From the youth group to a support group for widowers, the ladies’ retreat to a Spanish ministry, Cloverdale members have always found support and encouragement in their dreams to bring the love of God to those who are lost or hurting. In the 90s, the congregation was led by the motto “Reaching Up, Reaching Out, Reaching In” to remind them to stretch out of their comfort zones and engage with a Holy God, a hurting world, and a loving church family. In the 2000s, the elders presented a more detailed statement to encourage the congregation to grow in their good works: “Compelled by Christ’s Love, we are: Devoted to Family, Expectant in Missions, and Renewed by God’s Spirit.” This emphasis on the family-focus of our congregation, the commitment to mission work, and the importance of God’s Word in our hearts and minds has helped new members to understand who Cloverdale is as a church body for decades. However, in 2018, the elders and ministry staff began working on a statement that would help communicate not only who we are, but the areas where we as a congregation continually seek to grow. Characterized by six key words, the current vision of the Cloverdale Church of Christ emphasizes: Intergenerational church life, Discipleship among our members, an Inviting and Hospitable community, a commitment to Maturing in our faith, and a focus on Sending missionaries while living as believers who have been sent ourselves.