Plan A Visit to Cloverdale
How long is the service?
Our services last about 75 minutes and are followed by fifteen minutes of fellowship with coffee provided in the Fellowship Hall as members transition to Bible Classes.
What should I wear?
You’ll see people in anything from jeans to more formal attire, so wear whatever feels comfortable and you’ll fit right in.
What will my kids do?
We think that learning about Jesus should be fun and engaging at every age! An unattended nursery is available, along with a nursing mothers’ room adjoining the Women’s Restroom and one of the nurseries. During service elementary-aged kids are invited to join their families in the Auditorium for worship. Our children’s ministry team provides activity bulletins that help guide young readers to engage with the message of the sermon, as well as activity backpacks for our younger children! These can be found in the lobby, either at the Welcome Center or hanging by the Auditorium doors.
Will I be shown on the Livestream?
Our Livestream cameras focus on the front of the auditorium, however, before service starts the cameras will pan the audience and there is a chance that you will be briefly shown among the crowd on the Livestream.
Our Auditorium Bible Class will also be Livestreamed.
What do I do if I have questions or concerns?
If at any point during the service you have questions or concerns, there will be men and women available in the lobby to point you to our Elders or Ministry Staff to try to help. After the sermon, our Elders and their wives will be available for prayer and shepherding. An Elder and his wife will also man the Welcome Center before and after service.
Cloverdale seeks to be an intergenerational church that loves God and loves others by:
Inviting all peoples to become disciples of Christ
Maturing as disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit
Sending disciples to engage in God’s mission throughout the world
Compelled by Christ’s love, we are:
Devoted to family, expectant in mission, and renewed by God’s Spirit.